
This was published in the January 7, 2021 edition of The Fish Wrap.

As 2021 begins, how to fight the pandemic is foremost in worldwide conversations. We are relying on pharmaceutical companies to make a vaccine available. We look to our federal and state governments to tell us what businesses can be open, how our children should be educated, and whether or not church is allowed. We monitor our neighbors for their mask habits and how many people they share a holiday meal with. We are giving away our personal freedoms and independence in the name of safety while we still hold the key to the greatest defense against any illness - our immune system.

Our greatest source of power is the power of choice we have over the foods that we eat. At RLF, we support Mother Nature and leave the rest to her. Plant immunity comes from healthy soil and human immunity comes from a healthy gut. We believe that making whole, nutritious foods available to ourselves and our community is the most powerful tool we have to create a healthy, thriving world.

It’s time to talk about what many people have started to sense - the way we eat is making us sick. Cancer, heart disease, auto-immune disorders and diabetes were virtually unheard of before the industrial revolution because processed food does not provide the vitamins and nutrients needed by the human body to fight disease and thrive. Add to that an overdose of sugar and we are left tired, weak and muddle-headed.

With each meal, you have the power to choose more whole foods over processed foods. You have the freedom to build a healthy life for yourself without relying on anyone from outside to save you. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was born around the year 460 BC. He said ‘Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food.’ 

Rebecca Dickens